In February, we requested your feedback on the OEMBA via a benchmarking survey. That data will give our board (and future boards) a baseline to measure our results against and will help us organize the types of events that you want most. Thanks to the 66 of you who responded!
The winner in the random drawing for $100 was Zack Jones, MBA, Intel 7.
Below are some of the interesting findings from the survey.
Where do you live?

How frequently are you in touch with members of your cohort?

Have you attended OEMBA events in the past?

Are you more interested in face-to-face or online events?

Which face-to-face events are you most interested in?

What online/Zoom events are you interested in?

How interested are you in the following events and resources?

How interested are you in the following e-newsletter topics?

Do you have an idea for a face-to-face or online event or networking activity? Can you speak at an event or recommend someone else who would be an interesting speaker? Please contact us at oembacsus@gmail.com.